Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Blueprint Pt Swingset


Hello, dear friends.
I know it's too long that all is quiet even if the computer is placed now for a while ',
but we stopped to cook and take pictures,
only priority now changed, and when I find time to devote to the blog has always been far too long and I can not remember how those were prepared dishes.
meantime I wanted to thank all friends, and I know with certainty that consistently are featured here almost every day,
I promise that I will try to apply more;)

This cake made me fall in love at first sight is still several years ago, I
carefully preserved photos of the various versions I've found on the web,
and finally the right time to do it, what better time of the first birthday of my child?

With a couple of days before I made the sponge cake.
In this case I've made 3 (1piccolo and 2 large) because the largest Bassino I came and it was difficult to cut into 3 slices.
Next time (if there will be a next time) I try to make 1 small and 1 large egg but with a more.

sponge large: 26-28 cm diameter

flour 125 g sugar 4 eggs 125
starch 25 g
vanilla extract Lemon peel

Fit the eggs well with sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and lemon peel grattugiata.Setacciare the flour with the starch and add gently to the mounted uova.Versare the mixture into greased and floured cake pan.
Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

sponge small: 20 cm diameter

95 g flour 95 g sugar 3 eggs
starch 20 g
vanilla extract Lemon peel

Beat eggs with sugar, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and zest grattugiata.Setacciare lemon half the flour with the starch and add gently to the mounted uova.Versare the mixture into greased and floured cake pan.
Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.

The day before I made the custard;

Milk 4 Egg yolks 750 g
Sugar 185 Corn starch 65
vanilla extract Lemon peel

In a glass bowl, mix flour with sugar,
combine the yolks, a pinch of salt, a Cucchini of vanilla and lemon peel.
Add a little 'time to cold milk.
Cook in microwave for 8-10 minutes, stirring every 2-3 minutes.
Remove the lemon peel.

the day:

- Clean a tray of strawberries (I think it was 500 g), cut into small pieces and marinate them with lemon juice and sugar.

- Mount 500gr. fresh cream, add the custard and refrigerate bien visible.

- Cut the slices into 3 small PoS, the PoS large

Cut in 2 resulting in 4 circles,
put aside one and overcome the other 3 slices in order to get a pie higher.

Shape the two cakes with a knife cutting at 45 ° edge higher, gaining about 2
cone weevils.

- Put the crumbs and the disc PoS advanced into the blender along with some 'yellow food coloring and blend well.

- Stuff the cake: Pour

the first slice of the PDS with strawberry juice diluted with a little 'orange juice (or rum wet)
cover with the cream, add a little
' strawberries and slices of banana,
in the center put a little more 'so that the cream with the next slice of the cake PoS start to get some' form;
stuff the same way the second layer.
Cover with a thin layer of cream exterior of the and attack the yellow cake crumb. This

for both cakes, and put in fridge.

- Prepare the sugar paste:

15 ml. water,
1 sheet of gelatin 1 tablespoon
220 g of icing sugar
Put the gelatine to soak in water.
Once it becomes soft, light the gas under the pot and add the glucosio.Portare the whole (very low heat otherwise ruin is assured) liquid liquid (like water).

careful. If the product you have to throw away tutto.Versare boils the liquid inside the robot (impastratrice or whatever you want) where there is already sugar well sifted icing. Please go

the mixer, adding if a bit 'of water (one teaspoon at a time): the recipe is quite free, season with sugar and / or water so that dough is softer than that for noodles.

Paint the pieces with the colors, preferably in powder form.

to roll, put some 'baking paper on the work surface dusted with cornstarch and roll out the dough with a rolling pin.

Prepare it the beak, eyes and feet.

nelmixer always blending of grated coconut with the green dye is obtained by the grass.

Dial the cake just before serving adding the ribbon and flowers.

much longer to explain than to do, it is ultimately
2 mimosa cake disguised as duck.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Freestanding Porch Swing

Joseph Merlino OVERVIEW

Gnosticism gnostic doctrine is a doctrine that had the greatest development in the first two centuries after Christ. The main points of Gnostic thought, however, are much older so often stands between a Pagan Gnosticism and a Christian Gnosticism. During this period he developed numerous Gnostic sects. Christian Church avversò hard considering this doctrine a dangerous heresy, Gnosticism disappeared so completely in the third century AD, however, the doctrine was secretly handed down throughout the Middle Ages recently discovered at Nag Hammadi Gnostic library has a whole but reopened the interest on this doctrine and has given rise to serious doubt that the Christian doctrine, as finally settled in the early Church Councils, did not correspond to real teaching of Christ or that at least there was a secret doctrine that Christ was only communicated to his disciples and a few others. In this note I will try to expose fodamentali principles of Gnosticism, which are common to all seven:
The universe has no reality. It was born from an error due to a phenomenon that we call "the Fall". Reality is known by all the thinkers Gnostic Pleroma. The Pleroma is good for the world of Ideas of Plato. The Pleroma is composed by 'unknowable One from which descend a series of Aeons. The Aeons are bright and wonderful entity. For the Christian Gnostics, one of the last Eons is the Christ. Aeon The last in order of hierarchy is called Sophia, wisdom.
Sophia, full of love for the One, tried to go back to meet him. This caused a huge cataclysm: Sophia fell down and had Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) the Creator God of this world and, below him, seven other Archons. The figure corresponds well to Yaldabaoth Demiurge of Plato. Yaldabaoth, unaware of everything that was on top of him that created this universe was a kind of abortion. Sophia remained trapped in the material universe. Yaldabaoth would be the God of the Bible. He created man on this planet: "Let us make man in our image and likeness." He always spoke in the plural because they worked together with the Archon. But unbeknownst to him, the spark in man is confined to Sophia. Adam, disobeyed the command of Yaldabaoth, knew the truth that over Yaldabaoth One was the supreme unknowable and the real world of the Pleroma.
Sophia was distressed and desperate for which Christ, moved with compassion, descended through the seven spheres of the Archons in the world and came to rescue and to teach men the true doctrine. For this Yaldabaoth procured through his chosen people, put him to death on the cross. Obviously the man Jesus died, while the Aeon Christ ascended to the Pleroma.
As said so far may seem like a fairy tale, but it should be understood in the metaphysical sense, just like the Bible can not be interpreted in its literal sense.
So this world, created by a lesser god, is seen as evil by the Gnostic metaphysical. The Gnostic in this world is a stranger (alien). On the other hand, since The Gnostic knows the virtue, is not subject to the law, which has the largest freedom of conportamento.
task is to find the Gnostic Sophia (wisdom) and, together with her back in the Pleroma.
Note that the time is, along with the space, one of two categories with which our mind sorts the data from outside. In Pleroma there is no time for which the above is happening here, now and at any time and can reverse the Gnostic movement and go back to the Pleroma. This action is the one in 'Hinduism and Buddhism is called later in the Enlightenment: it's like when looking at a particular figure, suddenly I find another figure that was hiding in I see the drawing and design in a completely different way. Then, if I want, I can also review the old figure, but now they are always able to distinguish the new figure. Note that the drawing is always the same.
For the Gnostic doctrine, the majority of human beings is constituted by Ilici that are born, reproduce and die living like animals or worse, not understanding anything and victims of the passions. Then there is a minority, psychics, who are capable of reasoning and knowing the truth in discursive way. Finally there are the Gnostics, capable of reaching the truth of fact.
The doctrine has been jealously preserved throughout the Middle Ages by the Knights Templar and many other orders of chivalry. Was also well known that the Cathars were exterminated during the Middle Ages
In the Bible we read, "I am a jealous God, there is no other gods before me." Nothing could be further from the truth for the Gnostic, for this wisdom will always be opposed by the powers of this world. In the Gospel Jesus says to rejoice when this happens.
Since the death of Jesus are the Gospels were written many, but the Church has rejected all but four of the other defining "Apocrypha." The best known of the apocryphal (found by chance by a farmer at Nag Hammadi) are the Gospel of Philip, The Gospel of Thomas, the Gospel of Truth, the Gospel of Mary. In all these texts, the Gnostic doctrine is clear. But the prologue the Gospel of John, escaped the censure of the Church is full of meanings Gnostics. However, the full text primary source for doctrine is the Gnostic Pistis Sophia, which was recently published in Italian.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

What Kind Of Weave Does Myammee Wear?

books and websites on Gnosticism Gnosticism


MEAD Fragments of a Faith Forgotten ed. "I Dioscuri"
JONAS Gnosticism ed. "SIX" The expectations of the end
Filoramo edition: "Late Arrival"

http://www.fuocosacro.com /


Friday, April 10, 2009

Who Do You Write A Christening Card To


Today the silence takes on a meaning more important.