Saturday, October 17, 2009

Low Ferritin Low White Cell Count

CONFERENCE Photon Mundial

Taken from
CONFERENCE Photon Mundial

Prof . Carlos Nogueira:
- graduated in Medicine and Biology;
- bioenenergia professor of the master of natural medicine at the University of Santiago de Compostela

- consultant physician and head of the scientific staff of Photon Mundial ;
- a teacher at Beijing University Doctorate in Acupuncture;
- author of 11 books of acupuncture
- professor and lecturer at several universities in Spain, Portugal and South America;
- founding director of the center for the teaching of medicine Traditional Chinese.

Beings are multicellular, and that they may live healthy, it is essential to all cells of which they are made to live in health.
cells live in an interstitial fluid, leading their nutrition.
Water is the universal biological solvent, carrying nutrients to cells.
In our body, is the watery part of the blood cell through osmosis carries nutrients to cells.
biolipidica The cell has a membrane with orifices (holes) through which they enter the nutrients to be metabolized.
The nutrients are dissolved in ionised form in the watery part of blood.
The diameter of the openings in the cell membrane is about 10 angstroms, which is roughly equivalent to the diameter of a cluster of three water molecules.
Similarly to how I can not eat a whole bunch of a whole, but I have to eat one or two berries at a time, so I try to get the nutrients into the cell so that it passes through the orifices of the cell membrane, without choking.
When several nutrients form agglomerates of a large number of molecules (clusters), they can not pass through the holes in the cell membrane, and in a sense, the "choke".

clusters are therefore toxic to the body, because their presence in the cellular nutrition becomes difficult.
E 'is therefore very important to disintegrate and eliminate the cluster, to enable a correct and efficient cellular nutrition.

factors that cause the formation of cluster 3.

1) Ingestion of chemicals present in our food preservatives, coloring, anything that is not genuine and is not produced naturally by the earth. The body does not recognize, not metabolize and transforms these elements, so they are transformed into toxic and accumulate to form clusters.
That 's what Eastern culture called "mucus" that clogs the system and poisons the body.
Excessive chemical pollution form the cluster, responsible for the formation of toxins, which are the major causes of cancer.
Last year (2007) I attended a medical conference on cancer in Madrid who spoke of alternative therapies for cancer, which included experts from around the world.
All participants agreed on the origin of cancer: the toxicity, is the large amount of toxins body.

Twenty years ago, diagnosed with cancer every 100 people, while today is diagnosed with cancer every 20 people. The malignant disease has increased 5-fold in 20 years.
And in the same proportion in recent years have increased the chemicals.
2) Supercharger: causes our bodies to work beyond their normal capacity, and biochemical processes are not carried out in an appropriate manner, and produce chemical waste, acid waste, which generate clusters.
3) Sedentary lifestyle: most of the cluster is eliminated through sweat, so the exercise helps the elimination of the cluster. The doctors always invite their patients to drink and exercise, because it helps the renewal.
In our lives we all three of these conditions, and hence we understand the importance of detoxification.
As a product of metabolism, the cell expels CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the interstitial fluid, which is then transported in the blood to the lungs to be expelled.
But if there are clusters in the interstitial fluid, they make it difficult for the passage of CO2, which can end up directly in the cluster rather than follow the correct path to his expulsion, which causes acidification of the interstitial fluid.

This causes the failure to transform the fatty acids, which causes the atheromatosis, a process that leads to the formation of plaques inside the arteries, which is the basis of atherosclerosis. The cluster

confuses the immune system, why hidden inside some of the toxic, heavy metals, carbon dioxide, and in general to eliminate all toxins.
The immune system then fails to recognize the toxins to eliminate, and this causes an immune deficiency, a lowering of the alert level of the immune system.

So when we break the cluster, what happens is that it releases a large amount of toxins in the body, and then there is an awakening, a rapid acceleration of the immune system and the body begins to eliminate toxicity in a fast way.

The key thing to do It 'BREAK THE CLUSTER
What happens when you break the cluster is:
1) the nutrients in the cluster can to pass through the orifices (openings) of the cell membrane and to nourish it;
2) it prevents the acidification of the interstitial fluid, then the body stops producing unsaturated fatty acids, which are the cause atherosclerosis;
3) increases the activity of the immune system


WATER Water is the only body that grows in volume when it freezes, contrary to all other bodies in nature.

How can we learn from quantum physics, the water is a very unstable chemical compound: oxygen and hydrogen in water molecule bind and unbind to the frequency of a pico-second, they move continuously.
If these slow down the movement of vibration and rotation within molecules, that is if lowers the frequency with which oxygen and hydrogen combine and separate in water, is conducive to the formation of the cluster.

Water is not only the universal solvent, but is also a carrier of nutrients, because of these inherent vibration and rotational motions within molecules.

So if I want to keep water with ideal characteristics for cellular nutrition, I drink water that contains an energy high enough to allow these movements within the water molecules.

The electron volts (eV) is the unit of measurement for at the quantum level.
When the movement of water vibration and rotation are included within 's range between 0.2 and 0.09 eV, you experience the right conditions to break the cluster.

The chemicals tend to slow down the movement of water, so they cause the formation of clusters.

In Spain we say "agua coriente the Jent no mata", meaning "running water do not kill people." This reveals a truth that really interesting: the water is subjected to sunlight.

Some rays of the solar spectrum (range of life) give the right to water vibration.
0.2 eV corresponds to a wavelength of 4 microns, and
0.09 eV corresponds to a wavelength of 14 microns.

So if we have energy with wavelengths between 4 and 14 microns, we can give the water the right energy to break the cluster.


The average diameter of a cell is 9 microns, which is the mean value between 4 and 14 microns.
When you apply an energy of 4-14 microns, resonance occurs in the cell membrane and vibration of the membrane at the right frequency.

If the wavelength at which a cell vibrates less than this value (4-14), there are processes hyperplasia, in which cells are working at too high frequency, ie tumors;

if the wavelength at which a vibrating cell is longer than this value (4-14), we have hypoplastic processes, in which the cells work at too low frequency.

So for the health of our cells, it's good to take power with wavelength 4-14 microns.

This is one of the rays emitted by the sun, is a subset of the infrared beam, bioinfrarosso called.
If we can catalyze these infrared rays, we can stimulate the body to take place the breaking of the cluster and the elimination of toxins.

We now come to a discovery now 50 years old.

For 5,500 years, in the classical texts of traditional Chinese medicine, people speak of the range of life, a ray of sun that we thought had no scientific basis, but was just a philosophical argument.
Ooggi know that the ray of life really exists, and science has shown us because it was so named.

From a technological point of view ballistic and the Soviet Union and the United States was able to send spacecraft into orbit for many years before when they did actually.

The problem was not sending a spacecraft into orbit, but to put a person on board and make it return from space alive.
During the Cold War years, the domain of space was considered strategic by the Soviet Union and the United States, and both powers a lot of money invested in technological research in space.
the U.S. space program was the result, and we certainly could not allow the death of an astronaut, otherwise the project would be stopped.
This is without doubt the research in which more money was invested in human history: the quest to make the astronaut suit.
The research was not the most expensive to build the spacecraft, but the astronaut suit.
Why astronaut, when it comes out by the ozone layer, would be instantly struck by gamma rays without adequate protection.
addition there is a space temperature around 250 degrees below zero.
For this reason we invented the infrared bioceramics.

E 'was a very expensive because this discovery research in many disciplines: quantum physics, chemistry, medicine ...

astronaut Both spacecraft are protected by infrared bioceramics for protection from the destructive ionizing radiation of the sun , and to absorb the sun's heat at the same time.

So this invention on the one hand protects it from destructive solar rays, and the other absorbs infrared heat, which is beneficial. This invention

NASA has since been copied by the Japanese, and further developed in various applications.

Japan is investing heavily in recent years in the development of medicine known as "green" medicine or "energy", ie a preventive medicine that is able to protect people from electromagnetic pollution due to the rapid development of technology, is occurring in the last twenty years.

The bioceramic infrared fits into this context, it is a great help to protect you from electromagnetic radiation.

We are seeing a problem serious, especially in children.
They are immersed in a world of uncontrolled pollution.
Consider a child's room where he sleeps: it is a Faraday cage, is similar to a spaceship.
There are many electronic devices that produce magnetic fields, which act on living organisms found inside the room.
addition, all the elements in the bedrooms, furniture, floors, were produced at a temperature higher than 80 degrees, which is the boundary between life and death.
All the material was subjected to a temperature higher than 80 degrees loses its ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation: a dead body, dead, no life.
Then the wood with which they were made furniture, cement, plaster, and all materials of construction within our rooms are not biological materials capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation.
When there are live animals in the house, they absorb part of the electromagnetic radiation, and are extremely beneficial, especially for children and for elderly.

elle our bedrooms, and especially in children's bedrooms should introduce life: wood, wool, leather, ...
Many children are developing syndromes due to excessive electromagnetic pollution: fatigue, allergies, asthma, depression, hyperactivity ...
We know that if a body has to expend energy to counteract an external agent that tends to damage, has less energy to perform its biological functions, so appear asthenia, depression, fatigue, hyperactivity, typically all that is happening to children today.
It 'important to protect unsupervised children from electromagnetic radiation, and this can be done by introducing life in their rooms, or using the infrared bioceramics, that is putting in their rooms the "astronaut's suit."
If I were the Minister of Health, mandatory sleep in bioceramic infrared, because this would save a lot of money now being spent to remedy the consequences of these issues, in terms of care, antibiotics, ointments for skin ...
E 'of fundamental importance to give our bodies the right vibrations for a living. All this is said
also from the Feng-Shui, in Switzerland for example is studied and applied by architects.

course adults too suffer the same electromagnetic pollution of children.
It 's a question of quantity: the case of a sole source of electromagnetic pollution, such as a computer, TV or mobile phone, the body can overcome it, however, the health and living.

But when pollution sources are beginning to be so many, then the body must use energy to cope with a problem, and it will have to not to perform its biological functions.
One consequence of this phenomenon is typical impotence.
In fact, the failure of biological functions is manifested in the first instance in the function of reproduction.
Today the impotence even at a young age is a fast growing phenomenon.
So it is essential to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation to avoid wasting our precious energy, and introducing in our rooms the "astronaut's suit."

The Japanese did this experiment inoculation of a population mice sarcoma and melanoma (malignant aggressive cancers), divided the population into two groups: the first group laid it in a container made of bioceramics infrared, the other in a normal container.

was observed in many mice in the container of infrared bioceramic that the cancer stopped in its development, and many of the mice survive.
In contrast, all normal mice died in the container in a short time.
This immediately led to an investigation of Japanese in this area.
The Mayo Clinic, one of the most prestigious clinics United States, treated American soldiers poisoned by depleted uranium (mortal) with the infrared sauna, and all survived.
This was the only way to survive for them.
Already after 15-20 days of use of the sauna, the levels of cholesterol, fatty acids, lactic acid and toxins of all the blood is greatly reduced.
For this reason, today the infrared sauna is definitely the most interesting thing that exists to eliminate toxins, and is an extremely important medical electrical equipment.

But even when we sleep eight hours in a mattress, pillow, Indoor infrared, we get a very attractive benefit similar to that achieved in principle in the sauna, as well as protect from electromagnetic radiation, benefiting from the detoxification of bioceramics infrared.

For this reason, in Japan the infrared technology is so pervasive in daily use: There are over 400 items made of bioceramics infra-red clothes, paint for walls, dishes ...

75% of Europe is developing diseases associated with excessive accumulation of lactic acid in muscles.
Lactic acid is a toxin that the body can not dispose of.

This causes a feeling of tiredness on waking.
One of the most important research that have been made in the field of bioceramics infrared is that it reduces the lactic acid of 17%, and then waking up is easier, you feel more rested, more active, with more energy .
Under normal circumstances, any ray impingement on our skin, it is partly absorbed and partly reflected.

Since our goal is to absorb as much as possible of life bioinfrarosso beam with a wavelength 4 to 14 microns, we try to minimize that part of it which is reflected instead.
is used for this purpose a special set of minerals and melts at a temperature of 1000 degrees centigrade, makes a ceramic, is pulverized into particles with a diameter of 40 Armstrong, and is inserted in tissue, systems from rest ( mattress, pillow, blanket), in electrical equipment (infrared sauna).
Every particle of these is a solar cell, in a position to absorb the range from 4 to 14 microns.
The angle of reflection tends to zero, and the incidence tends to 90 degrees.

fundamental component of this compound is platinum, is the element of dynamism, which reduces the angle of incidence so that tends to zero, and therefore allows the ability to penetrate into the body.

There are also other substances that emit this ray bioinfrarosso, such as tourmaline. However, it has no element of dynamism, platinum.

In Japan, many are being born bioceramics infrared, even at low prices, but do not contain platinum, or contain less.
The bioceramic used by Infrared Photon contains 33% platinum, and that is why it is so precious.