Monday, February 4, 2008

Ap 2 Versus Callaway Tour

Plum cake with orange and chocolate

These days the time to write down the recipes here that I feel is very little and thus also to participate in various initiatives and bloggosfera meme,
run all day between work, swimming pool and hospital
as if all this were not enough, last week passed away one of my grandmothers who almost failed to become a grandmother for the first time, and also the health of other family gives me a lot to think about, but I
effort to stay as calm as possible in these last weeks of pregnancy trying to carve out a little 'room for rest because of all this stress begins to be felt.
To take your mind these days I only made a few interesting little things that I never stopped to photograph them so I can just repeat the sbloggherò, meanwhile, believe the word that I had a great pizza soft as those cut from a bakery, a simple chocolate dessert in imitation of the famous Danette, a lot 'of breadsticks, a delicious carrot cake with Adrenalina, an avalanche of crostoli and candied orange peel.
This plum cake dates back to a fortnight ago, had long been teased me that this torment the good of Valeria Coquinaria and now that I have some organic oranges come directly from Sicily could not miss the chance to try it though with some adjustments to make it lighter and more palatable to my taste, thanks to a hint of chocolate.

Orange 1 large or 2 small
00 300 g flour 180 g Sugar

seed oil ½ cup
eggs 1 whole egg + 2 or 3 whole
yeast 1 teaspoon salt 1 pinch

Dark chocolate

Place oranges in a blender, with the skin, washed and cut into pieces and blend until creamy.
Add the egg, sugar and half cup of vegetable oil and continue blending for a few minutes.

Pour into a bowl and slowly incorporate the flour and baking powder sifted previously.
Whip the egg whites with a pinch of salt and gently incorporate.
Pour into greased and floured loaf pan (the dough should ultimately cover just over half of the mold.) Bake 160 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Garnish with thin threads of melted dark chocolate.


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