Monday, February 28, 2011

Calculate The Lattice Calcium Chloride

Bavette beans and feta

As promised, here is finally a recipe brine, after a long time:) This pasta I had seen some 'time ago by Sigrid and as many of his recipes, I had added to my (too) long to-do list. Then I finally managed to find fresh fava beans, which I had never tasted before but have always inspired me to their nice bright green color. The cream that you get the seasoning paste is very delicate: the salty taste of feta blends perfectly with the more sober of the beans, so to get a dish not bad! Council not to salt it 'the cooking water and beans, it' the creamy sauce obtained.

Recipe: Bavette with creamed broad beans and feta
Ingredients (for 2 persons):
• 250 gr di bavette (o altra pasta lunga)
• 500 gr di fave fresche
• 50 gr di feta
• Olio evo
• Pepe

Pulire le fave, sbollentarle in acqua bollente non salata per 10 min., poi passarle sotto l’acqua fredda e togliere la pellicina. Frullarle con la feta e un filo abbondante di olio evo fino ad ottenere una crema non troppo liquida. Scolare la pasta e mescolarla alla crema ottenuta, allungata con due cucchiai di acqua di cottura della pasta. Servire con una macinata di pepe nero.


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