Act S toric of A CCUSA
Eleonora d'Arborea
and against
those who have created or maintained still alive the his false myth to hide to Sardi that by many centuries the their great discomfort historical in large part is due to betrayals that suffer to work of their political leaders that prepend the their personal interests to those of People Sardo
. E ' found that many characters important the world political economic and cultural extra island when bring foot For the first time in Sardinia, so to win a good price the please and the sympathy local are usually flatter the Sardi praising because can boast a exceptional and famous historical character as Eleonora d'Arborea, often likened to that of Joan of Arc, because over that a great laws, would been the most heroic fighter in defense to the bitter end and freedom of most vital interests of Sardis.
However is duty to inform the Sardis ( in particular those who have as more high ideal of their existence the ransom historical of people to which belong that necessarily is the premise sine qua non of a his new statement civil and spiritual) that careful and honest assessment of all the news historical concern that questoPersonaggio necessarily leads to definition moral, political and cultural well different of his figure for which to must conclude that cleverly own to suffer from the false Cards d'Arborea is been cleverly conceal utilizzatoper to Sardi the existence of two well more great heroes that they would could emulate such were Mariano IV and Hugh III of Arborea .
to ) - E ' false that Eleonora d'Arborea has promulgated the Charter de Logu because as she same claims in the preface the document, it was in force already to times of Mariano IV and probably also prima.Ella simply the amended: that there introduced of changes dictated by political interests personal. ( Sa Carth de loghu know what cum great et prouìdimèto FUDI facta for buoy heave memory de iuighi Margiani father Nostru in here directu iuyghi de Arbarei Noh being correct for ispaciu de xvi.annos passados \u200b\u200b commo for multas varietadis de tempus bissognando de necessitadi corrigerela et Mendaro.)
b) - E ' false that Eleonora d'Arborea has worn armor and contested the weapons for fight the enemies of Sardi is because in ' At was anything that young ( had over 50 years ) , is because there is not a documentation that proves the its participation to actions of guerra.c) Eleonora d'Arborea was a woman cruel and what is proven by fact that he quartering by two horses a his political opponent , the Skintu Chamberlain, accusing of injured majesty.
d) - E ' false that Eleonora d'Arborea has been the great heroin champion in skirt of freedom of Sardi .
E 'instead true :
Eleonora d'Arborea has betrayed the Sardi selling the their freedom in exchange of riconosciinento by part of invaders , without have suffered any collapse Military gives them almost three quarters Island previously liberatieroicamente from father and brother from with large personal sacrifices.
The figure of Eleonora d'Arborea is made even more negative by various data chec reveal that she almost certainly has won the political power through a diabolical plot in which, together to husband appears the most likely principal 's assassination of brother and grandson of thirteen.
E ' motion to lovers of history island that the court d' Arborea Ugone III, after just seven or eight years of government was killed in stabbed and thrown in a well together to its unique daughter the young Benedetta.La date and the place dell'eccidio not know-no known; the scholars have assumed that this trist- and fact it is verified between the end of 1383 and the beginning of 1384 , in Oristano in course of a conspiracy to building or of a riot population king however ritenia1mo more likely to logic that Ugone and the daughter thirteen are been murdered in a ambush occurred not away from the city of Oristano in date of 3 March 1384.A this character the history Sardinian convenzionaie, ie that dictated by existing political system cultural for not give to Sardi a dangerous example to imitate has always given little importance considering a figure Ides second floor almost no you value.
However, a careful study and evaluation of few information available on to this trope underestimated historic character sardoci allow of ritrovarela dramatic truth sugliepisodi final of its existence and to find the solution of that yellow historical still unsolved that is been filed of About for mon do know to Sardi that dallaseconda half of XIV century d. CSON been often betrayed by their heads politici.Figlio of court Mariano IV d'Arborea , and such as brother of the famous EIeonora and of less famous Beatrice, was born probably to the 1337 and given the continuous state, of war that the judged of Arborea held to leave the Sardinia dall'asservimentofeudale imposed by King Peter of Aragon IV "received a rigid education military TARE that soon brought him to participate in facts arms is important in Chein earth mare.Alla death of father occurred in 1376. replacing in charge giudicale continued to the bitter end Ia war against the AragonesiLa his temper Sardinian of man everything `di'un piece and Ia his great military expertise together to a implacable hatred against the enemy of People Sardo, the led to participate actively to burps those facts of war and in sea determined that the liberation of almost throughout the Sardinia only because the strongholds of Cagliari and Alghero where extreme of forces, resisted barricaded the troops of Peter IV.Ma own while you stavaper r add the final success, when Ugone IIIdiventato of fact Sennori de Sardiniaattendeva the official recognition that papal investiture to Re of Sardinia to do toll for the first time the bell that had to announce Sardi the successful liberation of their ground was brutally murdered assiemealla daughter intended to succedergli.Sinora this important event to beautiful mail and was almost erased from memory historical deiSardi because has been made disappear also the his tomb and therefore not has been erected nor to him nor the father no monument remains the only his bell of freedom Sardinian that damaged lies well hidden in underground dek Museum diCagliari perhaps because second a legend the People Sardo will regain the freedom his only when will hear the chimes its after be been riparata.Anche if date the yellow historical on to Ugone III is been left unsolved rationally analyzing all the data that the concern the second logic of cause and effect automatically over that the demolition of false myth of champion in skirt of nationalism Sardinian you is brought to formulation of a precise and terrible act of accusation , the second which Eleonora with the complicity of husband Brancaleone, has been the cynical, criminal and unnatural principal murder of his brother and of granddaughter.
The elements that validate the our thesis are:
1) - It is known that to preserve the domain Brancaleone previously practicing in a large part of Northern Sardinia had acknowledged overlord of Peter IV of Aragon and as such had allied with him to oppose the national liberation struggle that Mariano and his son were svolgendonell'Isola in practice he was an enemy of Sardis, and as such was not welcome to the family of Mariano IV.
However, no one knows how, in 1376, the year of the death of Mariano IV managed to marry the spinster Eleanor almost thirty-six remained unmarried till then it had made a burn scar the unattractive volto.Appare likely to have Ugone liked this little sister's wedding with his political opponent as this Brancaleone, besides being an unrepentant womanizer and an elderly father of several illegitimate children is driven to the wedding rather than by feelings of love, from political and economic conveniences as Eleanor inherited his father's death a large part of his enormous wealth
2)-If Ugone III was able to become the King of Sardinia of law through the investiture of Pope Urban VI dreaded nanny, in fact, sweeping away the last resistance to his nationalist politics Aragon's would impose, without much regard for his sister, the cancellation of political power in their fiefdoms exercised Brancaleone Sardinian this is to rid the north of Sardinia from the dominion of the Genoese
3) - Reports of Ugone III with her sister and ilcognato were anything but cordial since after the city of Sassari avereportato via the Genoese had taken possession of the fiefs Islanders Brancaleone forcing him to move to Genoa with his wife and children.
4) - E 'erotic present in Barcelona to a paper by hand in 1382 by Eleanor of Arborea certifying that a few months before the killing of her brother was a Combur with the King' Aragon, which promises to give him a short time the whole of Sardinia, and because she did not have military forces capable of conquering the island this implicavaautomaticamente the physical elimination of his brother.
5) - It appears very likely that the killing of Benedict, even though she was a girl but accidentally did not take place intenzionalmentePerché if he survived the padreAvrebbe law could inherit assets besides even political power.
6) - Those who drew the most direct benefits of the death of Hugh III and his daughter Eleanor and her children were on one side and the other because the husband grabbed the first court of Arborea and the second recovered fiefs Sardinian now considered lost.
7) - In 1383, shortly before the killing of Hugh III, Brancaleone goes to Barcelona to offer Peter IV control in Sardinia when it was still firmly in the hands of the brother in law leaving deduce that he was unaware of his next bloody eliminazione.Si knows that occasion Peter IV as an advance payment of the reward for this service named Baron Brancaleone Marmilla Canpidano although this area was an integral part of the court of Arborea. Brancaleone after having had contact with the King of Aragon spontaneously, without lawful reason, he stayed in Barcelona until the death of Hugh III.Si can therefore suspect that he has done this to create an alibi.
8) - Eleanor too, certainly for the same reason, he was in Genoa when he was assassinated the brother and nephew, which leaves the inference that the diabolical plan that the diabolical plan that she had worked to gain political power island involves the use of trusted killers probably hired a party of his likely supporters.
9) - When Eleonora arrives in Sardegnavenne accepted with much hostility as she informed immediately the King of Aragon that was forced the to resort to force to impose obedience to countries and cities that refused the his governo.Tutti the data cited are clearly more that size to incriminate Eleonora d'Arborea and the husband of a crime chefu so horrible not so much because implied the payment of blood of brother and that innocent of young nephew, but especially because it is been the assumption that putting end to freedom of Sardi them has made precipitate in a secular interlocking political, economic and cultural that still persists until the day our because it not pay of have extremely depleted the our land and wrecked the our Sardinian identity is hours also destroyed a the our souls.
E ' very absurd unjust and shameful that the Sardi
continue to venerate historically that she them has betrayed and ignore almost
completely the their real heroes who have lived fighting and dying for
to Sardinian freedom which were Mariano IV, Ugone III and many other historical characters.
is therefore only right propose the establishment of a committee set up a
voluntary cultural to implement the right recall , appreciation and honor
of true heroes of Popolo Sardo.
Those who are willing to cooperate with this initiative are asked to ask in
communication with
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