Monday, August 3, 2009

Can You Get A Body Wrap If You Are Breast Feeding

AND MODERN SCIENCE ON THE SEVEN SIGNS THAT arose after the preaching of Jesus' Gnostic doctrine

Christians were just one of seven lots in the first and second century after Christ, who based their doctrine on the teachings of Jesus, then for reasons that we are not here to examine prevailed over the others. And 'well then give a brief on those sects which are called Gnostic.
In all the Gnostic systems, the reality is consists of the Pleroma. There are various descriptions of the Pleroma, but all the Gnostic thinkers consider it consists of Aeons, intangible realities that are generated from each other in a hierarchical order for adoption. All systems are in agreement to define the last Aeon as Sophia, the Wisdom. An error of Sophia, described differently in various systems, due to a huge cataclysm (the Big Bang of modern astrophysics?) That generates the material world: Sophia would have generated the seven Archons, the upper of which is Yaldabaoth (Yahweh, the God of Bible). This is a God, arrogant, angry, vengeful, ignorant of all that is above him and creates an imperfect world, where evil reigns and the ruthless law of Yaldabaoth. Sophia is confined to this reality. When the Rulers decided to create man say, "Let us make man in our image and likeness," but do not know that their baby is trapped in the spark of Sophia. Adam and Eve heard the sage advice of the snake sent by the true God and know everything there is in excess of Yaldabaoth that from this moment begins to hate and persecute the man. Meanwhile, Sophia, imprisoned in matter, is distressed and desperate for help and here follows from the Pleroma of Christ through the seven spheres dominated by the Archons and comes in the material world. Christ teaches men the existence of the Father and hidden them the opportunity to go back in the Pleroma Through faith in Him

Valentino lived in Roman Alexandria in the second century AD. His was the Gnostic system more comprehensive, but also more complex. According to Valentino, the reality is the Pleroma consists of pairs of immaterial entities (Sigizie) called Eons. The first pair Abyss and Silence generates the First Father (the God unknowable). From this, for adoption, Mind and Truth are generated which in turn generate Word and Life and Being that generate Ecclesia. These are the first eight Aeons Ogoade. Segun then darkened two sets of ten twelve Aeons which constitute the decade and dodecade. Taken together, these thirty Aeons is the Pleroma which is the only true reality. Last Aeon Sophia, the Wisdom, he tried to penetrate the mysteries of the Abyss and this "error" generated a great cataclysm which caused the birth of the material world. To restore order, generate the Mind and Truth Christ will descend into the world to gather the seeds of light scattered by Sophia and find themselves trapped in men (Gnostic or pneumatic). Valentine was the first to divide humanity into three categories: Ilici living like animals and are the majority of mankind, the psychics who believe in the Demiurge (the beginning of the creation of Sophia generated) and the Gnostics, or tires of which the Christ revealed the existence of everything that exists above the Demiurge (the God of the Bible).

Ophiti or Naaseni are a number of Gnostic sects of the second century AD. These seven had in common worship of the Snake: The snake in Genesis would have led Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. According to Ophiti beginning there was the first man who in turn begat the Son, or second man and they proceeded to the Holy Spirit or First Lady. From this proceeded Terna Christ and Sophia, the Wisdom. Sophia gave birth to a son, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh, the God of the Bible) who created this world and man. Its creation was an abortion. Sophia sent the serpent that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and they knew they had real knowledge and above that of God the Creator, arrogant and jealous, you were the first man, the Son and the Prima Donna. To release the divine spark that was in Man, the Christ descended into this world and openly proclaimed himself "Son of Man."

Sethian I were a Gnostic sect that flourished in the second century AD. They like many other Gnostics believed that the only reality was the Pleroma consists of Aeons, immaterial entities and wonderful and believed the world was not created by God, but from an inferior being. The last of the aeons, Sophia (Wisdom) had raised seven children (the Archons), Yaldabaoth, Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Elohim, and Astaphain Horaios: they had created man in their image and likeness. After Adam fell into sin, and Cain killed Abel, Sophia decided to send Seth as the Savior with the spiritual spark of God, whose mission was to free the spiritual element of man, trapped in the material world. Christ was the last descendant of Seth, Seth, or perhaps the same, to bring back the knowledge (gnosis) of salvation, contained in a secret book and taught only to initiates.

Carpocrates was an Alexandrian philosopher who lived in the second century AD. He preached that the world was created by lower angels who had trapped the souls of men in these material bodies and souls suffered endless transmigration. The vision that has Carpocrates of this world is very negative, and he believes that man must despise the law and is therefore free to do as they wish.

Basilides lived in the second century AD. He stated that in principle there was a primordial "not" from which begat the Mind (Nous). Then the father of the mind is Reason (Logos) and this is generated by successive emanations Prudence (Phronesis), Wisdom (Sophia) and Power (Dynamis). Eons Angels were born from these distributed in a hierarchical order in 365 orders. The Angels last order they created this world and the most powerful of them was Yahweh, the God of the Bible. To free the man with the power of Yahweh, the Nous (Mind) came down in the form of Jesus

Cerinthus was a Syrian philosopher who lived in the first century AD. He stated that the world was created by a Demiurge (the God of the Bible) that completely ignored everything that was above Him According Cerinthus Jesus was just a man until the Spirit descended upon Him as a dove during Baptism. From that moment he became the Christ and to teach men the existence of an unknown father.

Gnostic Cerdo was a thinker of the first century after Christ. He claimed that the world was created by a God arrogant, angry and vengeful (the God of the Bible) ignoring all that is above Him the true God the Father would, according to Cerda, sent his Son Christ in the world to teach mankind how to escape the evil of God the Creator.

Bishop Marcion, who lived between 85 and 160 AD, denied the importance for Christians the Old Testament and affirmed that the God of the Bible was a lesser god (the Demiurge), creator of the world, vindictive and terrible. According to Marcion, Christ came to earth to make known to men the Father, gracious and merciful. He claimed that the author of a world teeming with evil and a man full of imperfections that could not be a God "minor" and that his law was ruthless and cruel.
Marcion can not be defined exactly a Gnostic thinker, why do not create any metaphysical system. We can say that the focus of his teaching is that the true Christian must totally reject the Old Testament.

Simon Magus:
Simon Magus can not properly be considered a Gnostic thinker. He is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles and lived in Samaria in the first century after Christ. Simon proclaimed to be the incarnation of the True God and was accompanied with a former prostitute from Tyre, Elena. Elena This was, according to him, the first conception of his mind, Ennoia, which in turn would generate the Aeons and then the Angels creators of the World. The latter, taken by envy, they would have closed the Ennoia in a human body, codannando his soul for eternity to transmigrate from body to body. The Supreme God, however, is embodied in Simon to find and free the Ennoia. Simon founded a sect, called the simony, whose purpose was to save the world from the bad government of the Angels, the first of which was Javhè, the God of the Old Testament.


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