Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sheet Music The Kiss By Joby Talbot


Part I

Sardinia can be defined as a mysterious island are many mysteries on this earth but also in the historical events of its inhabitants.
For example, just to name a few of the most famous
, are still mysterious the original function of over ten thousand calls nuraghi megalithic towers scattered across the country still mysterious region from which, around 2000 BC The Sardinians have moved to settle permanently in Sardinia.
Among the many mysteries of Sardinia is the strangest one that is completely unknown so far despite being clearly visible to everyone.
fact so far no one has noticed that the whole island, and in particular its most important historical sites have disappeared without a trace many important graves: those of all Sardinian important historical figures from the seventh century. AD until the end of the fourteenth century. AD are governed not only the fate of the Sardinian people. It is known fact
that in all European countries, Italy, France, England, Germany, etc.. , More or less still preserve the graves of important figures of the period in question.
Thus, for example in France, over the tomb of Charlemagne, there are the graves of many historical characters less important king of the Carolingian period and post-Carolingian.
In Sardinia, however, is not even the burial of a single judge, even if the heads of state courts which have ruled Sardinia for about seven centuries. So in Cagliari are the graves of those judges who heroically saved the Catholic Church by rejecting the heroic attempts of conquest by the Saracens when they tried repeatedly to capture the island to use as a base to attack invading the Italian peninsula.
Likewise in Orissa there is no trace of the tombs of the great judges who Marjiane II, baryons Mariano IIV, Hugh III of Arborea Eleonora r the same as in Porto Torres and Olbia there is no trace of the tombs of the Torres and Adelasia Elena of Gallura and those who preceded them in the governance of their judged.
It is absolutely unthinkable that these tombs have never existed, assuming that the Sardinians in that period were so primitive that they are completely free of the duty to duly honor and commemorate their most famous characters because this is contradicted by the fact that species Barbagia in the names of some mountain reliefs are the same as some famous characters Judicial
So in addition to the Mount of Gonare Sarule which clearly recalls the judge Gonario of Lacon, in the territory of the name Aritzo
Punta Marcusa (at the wrong MontenEnnaentu called Monte Gennargetu for accuptirazione suffered by Sardi) reminds us of Marcusa Gunale (probably because he was a native of this country) who was the wife of Constantine I of Torres judge of that court and grandmother Barisone to which the usury of the Genoese prevented liberate and unify into a single kingdom of Sardinia.

Although it is not known why the Aritzesi in XII srcolo have dedicated this site to his wife deu logudorese court, the one that appears likely poyesi Piò Donna Marcus Ginal may have been native to the country's largest benneficiaria Aritzo.

Furthermore, since very ancient custom, the Sardinians have always honored and commemorated their dead, the burial places of important people from the Judicial period were certainly there to where the problem of solving the great mystery identified the question:

because they were made to disappear?

Part II

The mystery of the disappearance of burials of characters Sardinian most famous de Period Giudicale can be explained running careful historical investigation with criteria not very similar to those with which is usually conduct police investigation.
Therefore in the first place is necessary to discover the kind of place in which usually the Sardi and the burials in question even if on this not there is received any information direct.
It learns fact through the Condaghe that in Period Giudicale the deceased, to second of their social class were buried or inside the churches or in a their outer space fenced intended to less well off.
Inside of Religious buildings the dead were accepted in the second lotus importance in burials placed on side walls of cappelle.sotto the floor or in an environment underground called clostra.
The accoglirnza of dead enter the walls of a religious building was not free since appears justified with the formulas testamentary pro remission pecatos meos or bit know salvation dess'anima mea ... ... appears marked by a donation in favor of church that in best of cases is equal to share ereditarsia that belonged to every child edel deceased or, in absence of ERREDI to TOTU cussu ki appid in domu and foras de domu ( all what that jl deceased had in home and out of home) .
In many cases these donations are so conspicuous by be a rich heritage as one of noble Donnu Petru Murtinu the which for be buried in Church of S. Maria of Bonarcado did a donation that included more than that sheets, blankets pillows ematerasso, silver candlesticks, 5 libre silver 30 cows, 10 mares , 800 sheep, goats 200, 100 sows and a extended property including land also 8 servants and 8 serves that there were work free etc..
You must therefore infer that also the judges with the their families were buried inside of and churches, in particular, in cathedrals of capitals islanders in which resided and exercised the their political power.
therefore appears almost certain that the g Iudici of Logu, de Karali, least from time to Orzooco and Torchitorio up to those of William and Benedetta of Massa, have been buried in the Cathedral of Cagliari so as the gtandi characters of Logu de Arbarei which Comita, Barisone , Maruo II , Ugone II, Mariano IV and the children Ugone III and Eleanor have been buried in the Cathedral of Oristano, edid or other religious Giudicatod'Arborea . However
in all these cathedrals, as in other religious buildings islanders minor is not currently no visible trace nor of burial of some court nor of burials of noble characters Sardinian mentioned in documentation medieval that there is received.
Thus, for example, we know that Constantine I of Torre was buried in the church of Saccargia that he had built at his own expense, as a successor was buried in the Basilica Our Lady of Rgno in Ardara, but in the churches there is entrabe èiùalcuna their ytacciaSA costabtino THAT I buried torres vebbe beautiful Church of Sacargia
Consequently you must deduct that someone the made disappear all to beautiful mail to a precise reason.
Locate this someone not is difficult because known that in Sardinia as in any other region the world Catholic the management of religious buildings is always depended solely by pastors and by provisions of their religious authorities for which the one and the other are responsible for the direct of any activities conducted
enter the their walls.
This means that in past all the burials of judges and of other characters the world Judicial hosted in these sacred places are been made disappear from their priori or pastors behind a precise available dictated by lotus religious authorities island probably for a precise order the same Vatican.
E ' then duty address in this direzibn the question How and why are been made disappear the burials in question? well as and duty that the same direction be made to reach Sardi a valid response.
Hoping that this waiting is not vain, looking logically of anticipate the content of a possible tisposta by religious leaders can put
lee following assumptions :
a ') - The burials pssono be been completely destroyed dispersing or concealing the material and skeletons outside of religious buildings that the housed.
b) - The burials have been moved and hidden inside of asked for which even if not are more visible by part of faithful can be try and retrieved.
For as regards the second part of question you can hypothesize that the burials are been destroyed or concealed or for a need economic or more probably a reason closely policies.
The reason economic is identified by need to leave the space for welcome via via the burials of new owners of Sardinia.
Instead the reason political than that from total acquiescence of the Church to will of each new master of Sardinia was dictated by the need to completely destroy the historical memory of Sardis Sardis Eer then remove from their conscience every memory of their former greatness, and then also reminiscent of the minimum igni anoint and prosperous period of independence during which they were governed by political institutions set up a real democracy of much better long of the present.
This because then the Sardi sent the their consent political protecting the lotus vital interests while for contrast, today vote choosing what that is already chosen outside of Sardinia to protect birds of prey interests continental that are in opposition with a real progress civil Islander.

F. Bruno Vacca


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