Saturday, December 11, 2010

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Gnosticism and Gnosis

The historical existence of Jesus Christ has not been established, but whether it's a real character is that it is a myth, there is no doubt that this figure has greatly influenced the human history of the last 2000 years.
Certainly, from the first century AD, were built many communities that founded their doctrine on his words and, between them, finally prevailed in the fourth century after Christ, that we know as the Catholic Church. But analizzado objectively all the material available to us, especially the codes discovered in 1945 at Nag Hammadi, is the serious doubt that the Christian doctrine, as finally settled in the early Church Councils, did not correspond to real teaching of Christ or that at least there was a secret doctrine that Christ was only communicated to his disciples and a few others.
A large number of these communities are defined by scholars "Gnostic" and their doctrines all departed from the view of the extreme differences between the God described in the Old Testament and the Hidden Father of which Jesus speaks from the writings and fragments currently in the hands of scholars senz'alto can infer what was the doctrine common to all these communities, Tenedos in mind though that sometimes the differences between the various schools, especially on the metaphysical plane were remarkable.
Gnostic theology is not present in the form of philosophical speculation, but in the form of myth. The myth has a similar structure to the tale, but one must keep in mind two things: first, it refers to a reality where time does not exist, so what he says is happening "here and now." Secondly, the characters of myth are cosmic forces often far superior to man.
So we can summarize this doctrine:
The universe has no reality. It was born from an error due to a phenomenon that we call "the Fall". Reality is known by all the thinkers Gnostic Pleroma. The Pleroma is composed by 'unknowable One from which descend a series of Aeons. The Aeons are bright and wonderful entity. For the Christian Gnostics, one of the last Eons is the Christ. Aeon The last in order of hierarchy is called Sophia, the Wisdom.
Sophia, full of love for the One, try to go back to meet him. This results in a huge cataclysm: Sophia rushes down and throws Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) the Creator God of this world and, below him, the seven Archons. Yaldabaoth is the God of the Old Testament: arrogant, jealous, vindictive.
He, unaware all that is above him, that creates this universe is a kind of abortion, the Kingdom of Evil. Sophia remains trapped in the material universe. He then created man on this planet: "Let us make man in our image and likeness." He always speaks in the plural because it works with the Archons, the powers of evil rulers of this world.
However, unbeknownst to him, the spark in man is confined to Sophia. Adam, disobeyed the command of Yaldabaoth, knows the truth, that the above is the One Supreme Yaldabaoth unknowable and the real world of the Pleroma.
Sophia is so anxious and desperate Christ the Savior, moved with compassion, descends through the seven spheres of the Archons and the world comes to rescue and to teach men the true doctrine. For this Yaldabaoth proxy, through his chosen people, the Jews, to kill him on the cross. Obviously the man Jesus dies, while the Aeon Christ dates back to the Pleroma.
So this world, created by a lesser god, is seen as evil by the Gnostic metaphysical. The Gnostic in this world is a stranger (alien). On the other hand, as the Gnostic knows the virtue, is not subject to the law, which has the largest freedom of conportamento.
task of the Gnostic is to find Sophia (wisdom) and, together with her back in the Pleroma.
Note that the time is, along with the space, one of two categories with which our mind sorts the data from outside. In Pleroma there is no time for which the above is happening here, now and at any time and can reverse the Gnostic movement and go back to the Pleroma. This action is the one in 'Hinduism and later Buddhism is called enlightenment.
In every man there is a spark of Sophia, the Gnostic doctrine but for the majority of human beings is constituted by Ilici that are born, reproduce and die living like animals or worse, not understanding anything and victims of the passions. Then there is a minority, psychics, who are capable of reasoning and knowing the truth in discursive way. Finally there are the Gnostic or tires, capable of reaching the truth of fact.
In the Bible we read, "I am a jealous God, there is no other gods before me." Nothing could be further from the truth for the Gnostic, for this wisdom will always be opposed by the powers of this world. In the Gospel Jesus says to rejoice when this happens.
We have said that the Fall of Sophia creates a huge upheaval: the birth of our universe, the Big Bang, that awful explosion create the space and time. Space began to expand, and the Stars are born in space that are grouped into galaxies. Sophia is captured in this creation and e 'anguish and despair. When a life is born anywhere in the universe, this is due to the efforts of Sophia to get rid of matter. Therefore, the life forms become more and more 'evolved and have increased self-awareness.
But the trend should continue: it means that the Gnostic Sophia to find and trace the Pleroma? Sophia is the wisdom that is hidden in man and in himself that the man should try.
Gnosticism, to join with the One, must first go back, one by one, the seven spheres, defeating the terrible Archons who preside over, then you must identify the individual Aeons, the heavens going one at a time.
So there are varying degrees of Gnosis, but the highest is the ricongiungimeto with the One: Man takes the awareness of the illusion of the material world and the concept of the ego INDIVIDUALLY. It recognizes that there is no difference between subject and object and identifies with the only real witness.
says Hans Jonas, one of the greatest scholars of Gnosticism:
"Man rejects the Gnostic Cosmos because that separates it from His aspiration impossible for reunion with the deity. The Evil Demiurge, creator of the universe, man has fallen in the Cosmos. The consciousness of separation is the sensation of the Divine, the feeling of exile that the pneuma, the inner spirit of divine origin, brand and desperately dramatically the human condition. Anxiety is the feeling that awakens the inner man. This anguish based Gnosis, the knowledge, the only thing that can loosen the ties and cosmological him rediscover his essence. Gnosis is the instrument of battle, which helps man to break the ties that bind him to the world, to separate them permanently from the cosmos and ultimately the its very nature material, imprisoning the ego from his body tires, the spiritual essence. Gnosis does not reconciles man with the cosmos, but decreed the break. "
After the death of Jesus, began to circulate in Palestine, a collection of his sayings, what scholars call the source Q. Tens years later, on the basis of this collection began to be written first Gospels, which eventually exceeded one hundred. In the Council of Nicaea convened by Emperor Constantine in 325 AD, the Catholic Church adopted the four canonical Gospels and the so-called rejected all others.
This choice was indeed very questionable, just think that the Gospel first began to circulate that was to Thomas, not recognized by the Church.
In many of these gospels rejected the Gnostic doctrine is clear, but a careful reading of the canonical Gospels, if you care to skip the steps added centuries later, enables us to recognize this ancient wisdom.
We have said that the Gnostic communities were numerous and were characterized by a number of doctrinal differences. In particular Ophites had particolre attention to the figure of the Serpent of Genesis.
The snake was thought to men Giver of Knowledge of Good and Evil precluded by the God of the Old Testament, the Creator of the world, but considered by the Gnosis, less than the supreme God.
According Ophites, the Snake was sent by Sophia (Wisdom) to convince people to eat the forbidden fruit of knowledge to realize the divine level much higher than those of their creator: the Snake is the one who gives the Gnosis, the enlightened knowledge of good and evil, the Serpent is the positive element in which to worship and seek as a way of salvation. A redemption that can be achieved, with its contempt for the flesh, of matter, including the most vicious debauchery.
In their doctrine, the serpent, the tempter, appears in the role of the liberator, the one who lifts the man beyond good and evil, beyond the "law" beyond the old God, the enemy of freedom .
Here are their original written:
"in describing depth were two great lights: the First Man, Father, and His Son, the Man and the second ALSO 'Holy Spirit, the first woman or the Mother of all living things. Below this there was a mass of dull Triad composed of four main elements, called Water, Darkness, Abyss, and Chaos. The Universal Mother brooded over the waters. The First Man and Man second , in love with her beauty, she produced the third great light of Christ. This was the birth of the right hand of the Great Mother. But a drop of light fell down from his left hand, in the chaotic matter. This was called Sophia, or Wisdom, the Mother of the world. But, for the simple contact with the waters of space, she, before ascending to the middle region, he had already fathered a son, the main creative power of the sensible world: Yaldabaoth that this child was, in turn, generated, one from 'another, the seven great powers of the universe sensitive training: the seven Archons. Yaldabaoth It was arrogant and boastful, and exclaimed: "I am Father and God and there is no one above me." But Sophia, hearing such a thing, he shouted to his son: "Do not lie, Yaldabaoth, because above you there is the Supreme Father, the First Man, and Man Son of Man". And all the powers of speech were surprised, but Yaldabaoth to divert their attention, shouted: "Let us make man according to our image." So 'they did the' man ', and he lay like a worm on the ground, until it led him to Yaldabaoth that blew into him the breath of life, namely the medium of light he had received from Sophia and the man receiving it, immediately gave thanks to man one and despise their makers (the Elohim). In seguto this, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh) was jealous and divided to deprive Adam spark of light, forming the woman. And the seven creative powers were in love with Eve, and it generated the Angels and so 'Adam again fell under the power of the Archons and Yaldabaoth. So Sophia, the Wisdom, he sent the snake (the mind) in the paradise of Adam and Eve Yaldabaoth and hearkened to his wise advice and so ', once again, the man was freed from the domination of the creative power and transgressing' the order of ignorance of any higher power to him, imposed by Yaldabaoth. To which, Yaldabaoth drove them from his paradise and with them, he snatched the snake, the "mind". After the expulsion, the bodies of Adam and Eve became increasingly dense and weaker and weaker take with them and they knew of the death. But Sophia, the Wisdom, finding no peace in heaven or on earth, implored the aid of the Great Mother and that, moved with compassion, begged the First Man to send Christ to help her. And Christ, her brother and husband, came to his aid descending through the seven spheres, depriving the Rulers of their power. He did mighty works, taught to elect the Unknown Father and Son openly proclaimed himself the first man. For that the Archons, and especially Yaldabaoth, took measures to kill him, so 'Jesus, man, was crucified by them, but Christ and Sophia went up Eonia incorruptible. "
addition to the Gospels so-called Apocryphal or Gnostic, we can find the basic outlines of this doctrine in many philosophers who lived during the first three centuries after Christ
1) Bishop Marcion, who lived between 85 and 160 AD, the Christians refused to the importance of the Old Testament and affirmed that the God of the Bible was a lesser god (the Demiurge), creator of the world, vengeful and terrible. According to Marcion, Christ came to earth to make known to men the Father, gracious and merciful. He claimed that the author of a world teeming with evil and a man full of imperfections that could not be a God "minor" and that his bill was heartless and cruel. Marcion can not be defined properly a Gnostic thinker, why do not create any metaphysical system. We can say that the focus of his teaching is that the true Christian must totally reject the Old Testament.
2) vintage Valentino lived in Alexandria in the second century AD. His was the Gnostic system more comprehensive, but also more complex. According to Valentino, the reality is the Pleroma consists of pairs of immaterial entities (Sigizie) called Eons. The first pair Abyss and Silence generates the First Father (the God unknowable). From this, for adoption, Mind and Truth are generated which in turn generate Word and Life and Being that generate Ecclesia. These are the first eight Aeons Ogoade. Segun then darkened two sets of ten twelve Aeons which constitute the decade and dodecade. Taken together, these thirty Aeons is the Pleroma which is the only true reality. Last Aeon Sophia, the Wisdom, he tried to penetrate the mysteries of the Abyss and this "error" generated a great cataclysm which caused the birth of the material world. To restore order, generate the Mind and Truth Christ will descend into the world to gather the seeds of light scattered by Sophia and find themselves trapped in men (Gnostic or pneumatic). Valentine was the first to divide humanity into three categories: Ilici living like animals and are the majority of mankind, the psychics who believe in the Demiurge (the principle of creation generated by Sophia) and the Gnostics or tires for whom Christ has revealed the existence of everything that exists above the Demiurge (the God of the Bible).
3) Cerinthus was a Syrian philosopher who lived in the first century AD. He stated that the world was created by a Demiurge (the God of the Bible) that completely ignored everything that was above Him According Cerinthus Jesus was just a man until the Spirit descended upon Him as a dove during Baptism. From that moment he became the Christ and to teach men the existence of an unknown father.
4) Gnostic Cerdo was a thinker of the first century Christ. He stated that the way had been created by a God arrogant, angry and vengeful (the God of the Bible) that ignores everything that exists above him the true God the Father would, according to Cerda, sent his Son into the world for Christ teach mankind how to escape the evil of God the Creator.
5) Carpocrates was an Alexandrian philosopher who lived in the second century AD. He preached that the world was created by lower angels who had trapped the souls of men in these material bodies and souls suffered endless transmigration. The vision that has Carpocrates of this world is very negative, and he believes that man must despise the laws and then free to do as they wish.
6) Basilides lived in the second century AD. He stated that in principle there was a primordial "not" from which begat the Mind (Nous). Then the father of the mind is Reason (Logos) and this is generated by successive emanations Prudence (Phronesis), Wisdom (Sophia) and Power (Dynamis). Eons Angels were born from these distributed in a hierarchical order in 365 orders. The Angels last order they created this world and the most powerful of them was Yahweh, the God of the Bible. To liberate man from the power of Yahweh, the Nous (Mind) came down in the form of Jesus
7) Simon Magus can not properly be considered a Gnostic thinker. He is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles and lived in Samaria in the first century after Christ. Simon proclaimed to be the incarnation of the True God and was accompanied with a former prostitute from Tyre, Elena. Elena This was, according to him, the first conception of his mind, Ennoia, which in turn would generate the Aeons and then the Angels creators of the World. The latter, taken by envy, they would have closed the Ennoia in a human body, codannando his soul for eternity to transmigrate from body to body. The Supreme God, however, is embodied in Simon to find and free the Ennoia. Simon founded a sect, called the simony, whose purpose was to save the world from the bad government of the Angels, the first of which was Javhè, the God of the Old Testament.
8) The Sethian were a Gnostic sect that flourished in the second century AD. They like many other Gnostics believed that the only reality was the Pleroma consists of Aeons, immaterial entities and wonderful and believed the world was not created by God, but from an inferior being. The last of the aeons, Sophia (Wisdom) had raised seven children (the Archons), Yaldabaoth, Iao, Sabaoth, Adonai, Elohim, and Astaphain Horaios: they had created man in their image and likeness. After Adam fell into sin and Cain had killed Abel, Sophia decided to send Seth as the Savior with the spiritual spark of God, whose mission was to free the spiritual element of man, trapped in the material world. Christ was the last descendant of Seth, Seth, or perhaps the same, to bring back the knowledge (gnosis) of salvation, contained in a secret book and taught only to initiates.
9) Saturnino lived and preached in Antioch in the first half of the second century. Taking a cue from a passage in the Gospel of John (1:18): God no one has ever seen, the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, he hath spoken, Saturnino said that the Father, being invisible, was unknown .
He had created a world of angels and archangels, of which seven evil angels had, in turn, created the material world and man, a being who had been creeping, not until the Father had sent him a divine spark .
The most powerful of these evil angels was Yahweh, and the Father sent Christ into the earth to destroy it.
The But Christ came to earth only in appearance (Docetism) to convey a concept of salvation, which leads to the liberation of human souls from their bodies, they are prisoners and the return to God
Saturnino, therefore, refused all that was material, leading an ascetic life by practicing absolute celibacy and chastity.
10) The Ophiti Naaseni or, as already seen, are a number of Gnostic sects of the second century AD. These seven had in common the worship of the Serpent: The Serpent in Genesis that would have led Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. According to Ophiti beginning there was the first man who in turn begat the Son, or second man and they proceeded to the Holy Spirit or First Lady. From this proceeded Terna Christ and Sophia, the Wisdom. Sophia gave birth to a son, Yaldabaoth (Yahweh, the God of the Bible) who created this world and man. The Its creation was an abortion. Sophia sent the serpent that persuaded Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit and they had the true knowledge and knew that God above the Creator, arrogant and jealous, you were the first man, the Son and the Prima Donna. To release the divine spark that was in Man, the Christ descended into this world and openly proclaimed himself "Son of Man."
11) For the Gnostic school of Alexandria in the beginning there was a single, indescribable, unimaginable silence that gave birth to the Mind, the Nous, the "God outside the building, beyond time, beyond space, beyond matter and energy. This generates thought, then the Pleroma began to differentiate themselves by creating original eons. For this school, Sophia was the last Aeon, which begat the Demiurge, the creator of this world, a composite being made up of seven Archons, the tyrannical guardians of the seven worlds. Sophia, from the "highest heaven", was retained by the Archons and pulled down in the worlds.
12) St. Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, he writes: "Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world."


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