Thursday, March 10, 2011

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Lemon cupcakes with cream

These small, delicious cakes make me think of a piano. Maybe because they just photographed on an old gramophone, perhaps because the piano at home is as black as the background of this photo ... Well, I do not know, but I guess a girl who is playing the piano and, while closely following the melody on your score, you can enjoy this delicious cupcake. How do you do two things at once? Yes, indeed I had not thought of this. But would challenge anyone to have a pie in the nose, soft, delicate fragrance and not to give some bite!
After this interlude a little 'music, we come to the recipe: questi tortini provengono dal blog di Alessandro Guerani . Tempo fa avevo aggiunto alle mie preferite di Flickr la foto dei suoi cupcakes e mi ero ripromessa di farli. Vi consiglio davvero di provarli: il sapore del limone non è troppo forte come si potrebbe pensare, sono morbidi e davvero deliziosi, anzi ottimi direi per un dolcissimo risveglio.

Ricetta: Cupcakes al limone glassati
Ingredienti (per 10 tortini di 6 cm di diametro):

  • 120 gr di farina "0"
  • 100 gr di zucchero semolato
  • 60 gr di olio di semi di girasole (o di oliva)
  • 2 uova
  • 2 limoni non trattati
  • 1 cucchiaino di lievito per dolci
  • zucchero a velo per glassare

Preriscaldare il forno a 160°. Sbattere in una ciotola le uova, l'olio, il succo di un limone e lo zucchero semolato, poi setacciare dentro la farina con il lievito e continuare a sbattere fino ad ottenere una crema non troppo densa. Versare la pastella in 10 formine da muffins precedentemente imburrate e infarinate, fino a riempirne i 2/3. Cuocere per 30 min. o fino a quando i tortini will not be puffy and golden surface. Leave to cool completely. Prepare the glaze by mixing icing sugar with a little cold water, then add the lemon zest and stir until mixture is glossy and smooth. Pour it over the cupcakes cool, refrigerate for 20 min. or until it is hardened, serve.

Monday, February 28, 2011

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Bavette beans and feta

As promised, here is finally a recipe brine, after a long time:) This pasta I had seen some 'time ago by Sigrid and as many of his recipes, I had added to my (too) long to-do list. Then I finally managed to find fresh fava beans, which I had never tasted before but have always inspired me to their nice bright green color. The cream that you get the seasoning paste is very delicate: the salty taste of feta blends perfectly with the more sober of the beans, so to get a dish not bad! Council not to salt it 'the cooking water and beans, it' the creamy sauce obtained.

Recipe: Bavette with creamed broad beans and feta
Ingredients (for 2 persons):
• 250 gr di bavette (o altra pasta lunga)
• 500 gr di fave fresche
• 50 gr di feta
• Olio evo
• Pepe

Pulire le fave, sbollentarle in acqua bollente non salata per 10 min., poi passarle sotto l’acqua fredda e togliere la pellicina. Frullarle con la feta e un filo abbondante di olio evo fino ad ottenere una crema non troppo liquida. Scolare la pasta e mescolarla alla crema ottenuta, allungata con due cucchiai di acqua di cottura della pasta. Servire con una macinata di pepe nero.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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The donuts "alternative"

Who said that the donuts are necessarily fries? Even at the beginning I thought it was not possible, but then came the recipe "alternative" (which I've made some changes:), respectively, taken from this book, and I did not say they are done twice. It will be that the word "donuts" always makes me think of the Simpsons (Homer and in particular:) I made these donuts will be at my brother's birthday and he literally goes crazy for it, that will are not fried ... In short, what you will but I wanted to try this recipe and it came out of great donuts! Missing just the frosting and colored sprinkles (which I did not put because I did not:) and I'm really perfect, soft and fluffy, to be dipped (this time the milk is fine too warm!). At first, when I formed the donuts, I have a bit desperate 'because they had lost their perfect form, but then, during cooking, everything is fixed. You just have to try them! We already feel that the next recipe will be salty, I'm really tired of baking: For centuries, these parts do not see a plate of pasta! Good week:)

Recipe: Baked Doughnuts
Ingredients (for about 20 buns):
• 20 grams of fresh yeast
• 200 ml milk + a little warm '
• 60 g sugar
• 1 egg at room temperature
• 100 gr soft butter
• Zest of ½ lemon
• 270 0 grams of flour (Manitoba)
• 180 gr flour 00
• 1 pinch of salt
For the topping:
• Melted butter
• Caster
• cinnamon

Dissolve the yeast in a little 'warm milk (about two fingers). Pour into a large bowl (or in that of the planet) the lightly beaten egg, lemon zest, sugar, salt and 200 ml of milk and start mixing with the hooks spiral (if you use a normal electric mixer, should be, if used the planet, use the hook or K leaf). Add 2 / 3 of the sifted flour and baking powder together and begin to knead at low speed until mixture is smooth and homogeneous. Add the butter cut into small pieces, incorporating one at a time, until it is absorbed from mixing and no lumps have melted (the butter should be cold because if not it does not melt). Add the remaining flour (it is said that the need to put it all) and mix well until a soft ball and not too sticky, it must be like bread dough: If it's too soft and sticky, then not be able to obtain the donuts . Transfer into a bowl, lightly greased with butter, cover with a damp cloth or plastic wrap and skiing rise until doubled (about 1h-1.15h) in a warm place (I have left in a microwave oven off and closed). Pour the dough on a lightly floured work surface and deflate it with your fingers, then bring it to the thickness of one centimeter. Obtain Two floured pastry rings (one of 7.5 cm, the other 2.5 cm) and place the biscuits on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Cover with plastic wrap and let rise until doubled (20-30 min.) Bake in preheated oven at 200 ° for 6-8 minutes, or until they are golden (but not too much) on the surface. Still warm, brush with melted butter and roll in sugar previously mixed with cinnamon. Allow to solidify the butter with sugar and serve hot or warm.

Monday, February 14, 2011

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Chocolate chip cookies Matcha

And after chocolate chip scones not I could forget the classic series: the typical American cookies, soft-hearted and the crunchy surface, studded with dark chocolate chips that contrast well the sweet taste of cookies and a light but delicious coconut aftertaste. From dunking strictly in cold milk, I recommend!

Recipe: Chocolate chip cookies
• 60 g butter, slightly softened
• 1 large egg at room temperature
• 130 grams of flour 00
• 50 grams of sugar (full) cane
• 50 g sugar
• ½ teaspoon baking powder
• 35 grams of dried grated coconut
• 60 grams of drops chocolate (or chocolate chips)

Put in a bowl the butter and both sugars and beat with electric mixer until creamy. Stir in the egg and beat until well blended, add the flour sifted with baking powder, coconut and chocolate drops or flakes. Mix everything together (preferably with a hook or spiral K) until the mixture is very creamy and smooth. Cover two baking sheets with the appropriate paper and preheat the oven to 180 degrees. With the help of two spoons, take a little 'and cut the dough into balls, place them well apart and press them lightly on the surface. Bake for 10 min. or until cookies are golden brown not. Let cool and serve warm or cold. Keep in a tin for 2-3 days. For 25 cookies.

Friday, January 28, 2011

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Name: Matcha . Origin: Japan . Distinguishing features: er ... Green? Green!
You have no idea what I had expected to make these biscuits, than I want to prepare them. You can not imagine. I had addocchiati parecchio tempo fa qui  ma, come tutte le ricette che avevo visto e che contenevano il matcha, beh, ci avevo messo una pietra sopra. E io dove lo prendo il matcha? E poi, che cos'èè??? Già dal nome sembra una cosa fuori dal mondo, eppure c'è anche qui da noi. Il mio matcha però è speciale, perchè ha fatto il giro di mezzo mondo ( e per questo lo invidio parecchio, oh sì :). 
Dopo una breve "biografia" del mio matcha, veniamo a questi sabbiosissimi sablès, tipici biscotti francesi preparati con una generosa dose di burro e tutti da inzuppare (rigorosamente nel latte FREDDO, I highly recommend). Their flavor is very special, even the match, such as cardamom, left me breathless, I never imagined the taste if I had not tasted.
the match, like many other ingredients a bit 'weird, I was always attracted a bit'. Color will be nice, will be from Japan that tastes like a clean and perfect in its modern simplicity. The fact is I never could have tried to make a cake with this tea, but I knew that before then I'd find. We carry the recipe for Sigrid that I made some minor changes and, finally, I can not thank a person really special ^ __ ^

Recipe: Matcha Sableès
Ingredients (for about 30 cookies):
• 215 grams of 00 flour, sifted
• 75 grams of sugar
• 1 + ½ tablespoon matcha
• 150 g butter
• granulated sugar to cover

Sift matcha with the icing sugar with a fine-meshed sieve. Pour in the global, add the butter at room temperature and cut into cubes and mix with the leaf or spiral hook ako , until creamy smooth and homogeneous color. Then add the flour gradually, and when it is fully incorporated, the egg yolks. Finally, wrap the dough with aluminum or plastic wrap and let rest in refrigerator for one hour. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 5 mm and cut into circles with cutters of 5 cm in diameter, dip in granulated sugar and place the biscuits on a baking sheet coated with the special paper. Bake at 180 degrees for about 15 minutes (you just need to color the edges).

Saturday, January 15, 2011

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Autumn in a jar? The nooks of Prato

If you prefer the heat and can not stand this time, its cold and gloomy day, I advise you not even read this post . Yeah, why see a jar of this jam in your pantry, can not help but remind you that the season is going to give way to warm e profumata primavera, con i suoi odori freschi e piacevoli (oddio, non esageriamo: qui, pur essendoci il sole, fa ancora freddo! :)  A me invece l'autunno e l'inverno piacciono, mi sono sempre piaciuti e penso che continuerà ad essere così. Mi piacciono i sapori e i frutti di stagione, tra cui anche la zucca: dopo il risotto la crostata e la zucca al forno, non potevo non provare a farne una confettura! E' sempre piacevole scoprire nuovi sapori combinati ad altri (in questo caso, le due zeta non potevano che andare d'accordo ;) , ma anche la consistenza che danno nei dolci: morbidi e leggermente umidi, con quel sapore un po' particolare e diverso dal solito. 
This jam is perfect in the crust a bit 'more rustic (for example with a full basic) or with hard cheeses such as pecorino, parmesan cheese and Parmesan cheese.

Recipe: Pumpkin and ginger jam
Ingredients (for 3-4 jars of 250 gr each):
• 1 kg of chopped pumpkin (violin or valance)
• 400 g sugar
• 1 tablespoon ground ginger
• 1 lemon
• ½ stecca di vaniglia (la polpa e i semi)
Riempire una pentola d’acqua e portarla a bollore. Nel frattempo pulire la zucca in modo da eliminare la buccia e i semi; tagliare la polpa ottenuta a pezzi non troppo grandi e sbollentarli nell’acqua preparata per 4-5 min; scolare i pezzi e porli in una casseruola con lo zucchero semolato, un pezzo di buccia di limone, la polpa della mezza stecca di vaniglia e lo zenzero. Cuocere (portando a bollore) a fiamma bassa, mescolando e schiumando spesso, fino a quando lo zucchero si sarà sciolto completamente. Continuare a cuocere (circa 20 min. ) e verificare la consistenza della confettura facendo raffreddare un cucchiaino jam on a saucer and allow to cool quickly in refrigerator or freezer. Discard the pieces of lemon zest and put everything in a food processor or blender until a smooth jam and smooth, devoid of the pieces of the flesh (this step can also be avoided, depends on how you want it the consistency of your jam). Divide the jam is still hot and sterilize jars in boiling water for 30 min.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

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It 's true, now the holidays are finally over (well the witch is gone!) but the production of biscuits is not yet complete. I did not think that I liked so much to prepare: when I started I Sautee also in the kitchen (ie little;), I decided, well, en passant, to specialize in cookies. Except that I get nervous when the crust was not because it was too dry and crumbled, or the dough was not as it should be. Instead, it complicates the Christmas spirit, which still exists, thanks to the desire to try to prepare what you are used to buy this year (well, old in 2010;), I can not just complain: I made very many types of biscuits, which, for better or worse, I have always been satisfied! In making biscuits (we do not know about you) but I happen (sometimes) get a taste of the collection that is different from what it should be, but then you find that is similar to that of another cookie, and then ... okay anyway!
cantucci (also known as almond biscuits or biscotti di Prato) left me very happy: they are simply fabulous, quick and easy to prepare. They have one drawback: when you start with one, then you feel the uncontrollable need to stretch out his hand for a second, third, fourth and e. .. until when? Until it is finished Vin Santo (or good milk cold)! I advise you to prepare: In my opinion, have nothing to do with those bought, and I'm sure will be a gift very, very welcome;)
Recipe: Cantucci Prato
Ingredients (for about 50 cookies):
• 300 grams of flour 00
• 200g caster sugar
• 150 g shelled almonds with the skins
• 2 eggs
• 1 ½ teaspoons of baking powder
• 1 teaspoon grated orange untreated
• 3 grams of sodium bicarbonate
• 1 pinch of salt
• Latte per spennellare

Setacciare la farina, il lievito e il bicarbonato e fare cadere il tutto in una capiente ciotola. Aggiungere progressivamente lo zucchero, la scorza d’arancia e le mandorle e mescolare fino a quando gli ingredienti secchi si saranno amalgamati fra loro. Incorporare le uova e impastare fino ad ottenere una palla di impasto morbida e soda, ma non troppo dura. Se l’impasto risultasse troppo duro, aggiungere del latte. Foderare una placca da forno dell’apposita carta. Dividere l’impasto in 3 parti uguali e modellare 3 filoncini larghi 2 dita. Disporli sulla placca da forno e spennellarli con un po’ of milk. Bake in preheated oven at 190 degrees for 15 minutes or until they start to brown, remove them gently from the pan and place on a cutting board. Wait to cool down a bit ', then cut diagonally so many biscuits thickness of 1, 5 cm. Rearrange them on the baking sheet and pass them again for 5 min. or until golden brown. Serve cold with a glass of Vin Santo or other wine.

• almonds with the skins should be: If they are, the flavor will change completely. In fact, these cookies are very sweet, and taste of pellicina delle mandorle contrasterà quello del biscotto.
• Lo zucchero va messo tutto, o ne va della croccantezza. Tra farina e zucchero ci devono essere sempre 100 gr di differenza.
• I cantucci devono essere duri, infatti vanno inzuppati nel vinsanto, nel vino o, per i più piccoli, nel latte.
• I cantucci, prima di essere tagliati, vanno fatti raffreddare un pochino: se no, al momento del taglio si sbricioleranno lungo di bordi.
• Una volta fatti raffreddare, si possono conservare qualche settimana in scatole di latta, a patto che non finiscano prima!

Monday, January 3, 2011

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Cinnamon rolls

Non riesco ancora a credere che sia iniziato un nuovo anno. Se non scrivo concretamente (o se non vedo scritto da qualche parte) che oggi è il giorno 3 gennaio 2011, non riesco a rendermene conto. Eppure è così, che tu lo voglia o no. Il tempo scorre talmente velocemente che a volte non riesci ad accorgertene.
Considerazioni a parte, come è iniziato da voi il nuovo anno? Avete passato un buon weekend in compagnia di amici o persone care? Spero di sì, anzi, ne sono sicura.
Quest'oggi, per iniziare bene la giornata, vi attende un vassoietto colmo di queste piccole e deliziose freshly baked croissants, still warm and all to be dipped in a cup of milk. Strangely (and thank goodness!) This time came very soft and fluffy, rising to perfection. I do not know why (or rather, I know!), But I always put a little leaven 'of fear at the beginning because I was undecided whether or not they make pastries, fearing that not rise to the right point. It is not the first time that I kill the yeast and then ... Well, the result is the leaven that leavened only have the name, since they are thick as a brick;). But this time, perhaps an accomplice that I really like the cinnamon, maybe a bit more complicated 'more than foresight, have come really well. I do not know if you've never heard of these cookies: spirals are soft brioche dough with a filling flavored with cinnamon sugar. Can be found in this release, or a very similar but with a little pasta 'and are called different Kanelbullar , Swedish pastries are undoubtedly IKEA ( ah, mon amour! ). In my opinion both versions are great: in the first leavened dough is soft, the second is still soft but less yeast and more similar to strudel dough. The choice is yours and if you have the chance, try them both!

Recipe: Cinnamon rolls
Ingredienti (per 30 pezzi circa):
Per l’impasto:
  • 480 gr di farina (1/2 00 e ½ Manitoba)
  • 90 gr di zucchero semolato
  • 1 uovo medio + 1 tuorlo
  • 250 ml di latte intero appena tiepido + un po’
  • 5 gr di sale
  • 60 gr di burro
  • 20 gr di lievito di birra fresco
Per la farcia:
  • 80gr di zucchero granulated
  • 40 g butter
  • 1 + ½ teaspoon full of cinnamon
For the frosting:
  • water as needed
  • icing sugar to taste

Prepare the dough: Melt the butter and allow to cool, dissolve the yeast reduced to crumbs in the amount of milk given (about two fingers). Pour into the bowl sift together the flours, salt and sugar begin to mix at low speed, add the a little milk with the dissolved yeast, cold butter, egg and egg yolk. When the ingredients are well amalgamated with each other, start to get warm the milk just to taste the dough without lumps, smooth and elastic. This should be done in ten minutes. about.
Remove the dough from the bowl and pour on a lightly floured pastry board, knead with a little flour as needed to get a ball. Place in a bowl, cover with a cloth and allow to rise 2 h in a warm place, but not too (with this cold, it would be better with the lights on in the oven or microwave, I chose the latter;).

Melt the butter and allow to cool. When the dough has doubled, gently deflate it and roll it out in a square of 30 x 30 cm on floured cloth a little at a height of 5 mm. Brush the square with the melted butter cool, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon above, without covering the edges too. With the help of cloth, wrap the square creating a sausage and seal the open end with a little cold water. Flour a sharp knife and cut the sausage rolls dough 30 cm and a thickness of 1 ½. Place them, spaced on a baking sheet covered the special paper and let rise in a warm place, but not excessively, for 1 h.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C and ventilated for 10 min. or until you reach about the gilt. Remove from oven, transfer cake to a wire rack and let cool.

Prepare the frosting: in a bowl, mix icing sugar with very little water, until a glossy glaze, it 'too liquid, it' too dense, cold decorate the cinnamon rolls, dropping from a spoon and the glaze forming small stripes on the surface of the sweets. Allow to cool until the glaze is hardened. Serve hot or warm.