Monday, January 3, 2011

Make Sony Dvp-sr200p Region Free

Cinnamon rolls

Non riesco ancora a credere che sia iniziato un nuovo anno. Se non scrivo concretamente (o se non vedo scritto da qualche parte) che oggi è il giorno 3 gennaio 2011, non riesco a rendermene conto. Eppure è così, che tu lo voglia o no. Il tempo scorre talmente velocemente che a volte non riesci ad accorgertene.
Considerazioni a parte, come è iniziato da voi il nuovo anno? Avete passato un buon weekend in compagnia di amici o persone care? Spero di sì, anzi, ne sono sicura.
Quest'oggi, per iniziare bene la giornata, vi attende un vassoietto colmo di queste piccole e deliziose freshly baked croissants, still warm and all to be dipped in a cup of milk. Strangely (and thank goodness!) This time came very soft and fluffy, rising to perfection. I do not know why (or rather, I know!), But I always put a little leaven 'of fear at the beginning because I was undecided whether or not they make pastries, fearing that not rise to the right point. It is not the first time that I kill the yeast and then ... Well, the result is the leaven that leavened only have the name, since they are thick as a brick;). But this time, perhaps an accomplice that I really like the cinnamon, maybe a bit more complicated 'more than foresight, have come really well. I do not know if you've never heard of these cookies: spirals are soft brioche dough with a filling flavored with cinnamon sugar. Can be found in this release, or a very similar but with a little pasta 'and are called different Kanelbullar , Swedish pastries are undoubtedly IKEA ( ah, mon amour! ). In my opinion both versions are great: in the first leavened dough is soft, the second is still soft but less yeast and more similar to strudel dough. The choice is yours and if you have the chance, try them both!

Recipe: Cinnamon rolls
Ingredienti (per 30 pezzi circa):
Per l’impasto:
  • 480 gr di farina (1/2 00 e ½ Manitoba)
  • 90 gr di zucchero semolato
  • 1 uovo medio + 1 tuorlo
  • 250 ml di latte intero appena tiepido + un po’
  • 5 gr di sale
  • 60 gr di burro
  • 20 gr di lievito di birra fresco
Per la farcia:
  • 80gr di zucchero granulated
  • 40 g butter
  • 1 + ½ teaspoon full of cinnamon
For the frosting:
  • water as needed
  • icing sugar to taste

Prepare the dough: Melt the butter and allow to cool, dissolve the yeast reduced to crumbs in the amount of milk given (about two fingers). Pour into the bowl sift together the flours, salt and sugar begin to mix at low speed, add the a little milk with the dissolved yeast, cold butter, egg and egg yolk. When the ingredients are well amalgamated with each other, start to get warm the milk just to taste the dough without lumps, smooth and elastic. This should be done in ten minutes. about.
Remove the dough from the bowl and pour on a lightly floured pastry board, knead with a little flour as needed to get a ball. Place in a bowl, cover with a cloth and allow to rise 2 h in a warm place, but not too (with this cold, it would be better with the lights on in the oven or microwave, I chose the latter;).

Melt the butter and allow to cool. When the dough has doubled, gently deflate it and roll it out in a square of 30 x 30 cm on floured cloth a little at a height of 5 mm. Brush the square with the melted butter cool, sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon above, without covering the edges too. With the help of cloth, wrap the square creating a sausage and seal the open end with a little cold water. Flour a sharp knife and cut the sausage rolls dough 30 cm and a thickness of 1 ½. Place them, spaced on a baking sheet covered the special paper and let rise in a warm place, but not excessively, for 1 h.
Bake in preheated oven at 180 ° C and ventilated for 10 min. or until you reach about the gilt. Remove from oven, transfer cake to a wire rack and let cool.

Prepare the frosting: in a bowl, mix icing sugar with very little water, until a glossy glaze, it 'too liquid, it' too dense, cold decorate the cinnamon rolls, dropping from a spoon and the glaze forming small stripes on the surface of the sweets. Allow to cool until the glaze is hardened. Serve hot or warm.


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